The Ladies section is a relatively small but very active part of the Club. The Section meets every Monday (9:50 – 11:30) and Wednesday (10:00 – 11:00) with competitions being run the year round in a mixture of formats. Most of the competitions are for lady members only, but open competitions are run as follows:
- Easter Monday: Open Stableford Competition sponsored by Sea Breezes Publications Ltd.
- Spring Bank Holiday: Strokeplay Competition sponsored by Tower Insurance Ltd.
- Rowany Week of Golf: All competitions are open.
- August Bank Holiday: The Millennium Open – Strokeplay.
When a competition is sponsored, prizes are awarded entirely at the discretion of the sponsor
For Golf Union Competitions, prizes are awarded according to Income.
For Club Stablefords and GU Medals, prizes are awarded according to the number of entries.
Apart from “spot” prizes, no player is allowed to be awarded more than one prize in a competition run by the Rowany Ladies section.
There are also 4 Knock-Out competitions throughout the year:
- Hadleigh Trophy: For 30-36 handicaps only.
- Barker Trophy: Open to all Rowany ladies.
- Graham Trophy: Ladies Greensome.
- Morgan Trophy: Mixed Foursomes sponsored by the Morgan family.
The Club’s policy is that all competitions for the Gents – which are primarily run on Saturdays – except the monthly medals, the Tower Insurance Stableford Series, The RNLI Stableford, The Rowany Trophy, The Falcon Cup, and The Club Championship, will have prizes for Best Lady (and Best Junior) – subject to entry numbers. This is to provide opportunity for those ladies unavailable to come along to the Monday and Wednesday sessions, to be able to play and maintain their handicaps in a competitive environment. Sponsors are of course at liberty to deviate from the policy.
However, an increasing number of the Club competitions held on Sundays will be of mixed gender format, which will hopefully also stimulate ladies to play alongside the gents – and juniors – in these competitions.
New lady members are always made very welcome!