The Seniors section is a very active part of the Club. It has over 60 active members, many of whom regularly turn up each Tuesday to play in the organised competitions.
To become a Senior you must have reached the age of 50, pay £5 for life membership, and you will then be inducted into the section. If you have not yet reached the required age, but would like to play with the Seniors on a Tuesday, then guests are very welcome as long as they pay the £2 competition entry fee!
The Seniors play 52 weeks of the year on a Tuesday, excepting when Christmas Day and New Year’s Day fall on a Tuesday. Tee-off is at 08.30, and the competitions run are a mixture of individual and team events, with many of them sponsored by members of the section.
Both the white and the yellow tees are used, with the latter being the primary choice.
Around 8 of the competitions are handicap qualifiers.